About Us
Boogie Bag is a portuguese brand, 100% handmade.
Graduated in Fashion and with several degrees, such as Visual Merchandising and Coordination and Production of Fashion, the designer Rui Filipe Moreira with a vast curriculum within the fashion industry, founds the Boogie Bag brand in 2018.
Passionate about accessories, the idea of creating Boogie Bag came with a chest left by inheritance by his grandmother, with lots of shapes of old lady bags from the 1920's to the 1970's and many of these shapes and models had already fallen into disuse and were no longer on the market.
After much research, survey and recovery of handmade techniques, comes Boogie Bag, a 100% handmade brand which its main concept is to recreate and make the revivalism of shapes and models of purses and clutches that disappeared in time, as well as contemporary designs, but always giving that vintage touch and a mixture between the classic and the irreverent.
From the texture of the fabrics, chromatic, details and finishing, all creative work goes through a detailed process, making all conceptual ideas become real in unique and exclusive purses.
As we want to leave our green and ecological footprint, Boogie Bag does not use any kind of unsustainable products or raw/animal material in its creations, using only biodegradable material, sustainable, organic, recycled and uniquely of vegetable origin, thus having the green seal of conscious brand attributed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. For this reason, Boogie Bag is a very exclusive brand because the amount of stock per model is greatly reduced, offering sometimes only collections of unique pieces.
In addition to its collections, Boogie Bag also has the concept of 'Purse Hospital' in which you can arrange or modify and/or give a new light to your purse, or, the 'Maternity of the Bags', in which you can see the birth of your own Boogie Bag made just as you idealized, with the fabric and measures you want, but of course, always within our concept.